Requesting Services

We value a collaborative process as we work with students to establish services.

  • Students should set up a time to meet with an Accessibility Resources staff member to talk about requests for support services.
  • Students should complete the Request for Accommodations form. A valid email address will need to be provided in order to access this form. Students should use a CC email address unless they have not been assigned one yet. Personal email addresses can be used if necessary. Please ensure all pages of the form are complete and the form is properly submitted. You will receive a confirmation email to indicate the form has been received.
  • Students will have the option to submit documentation of disability electronically while completing the Request for Accommodations form. Documentation can also be submitted via email, mail, or dropped off directly in the Accessibility Resources Office. Information on general documentation requirements can be found on our Documentation Guidelines page. 

Please submit requests early enough to allow staff sufficient time to review the request and implement reasonable accommodations and services. Incoming fall start first-year and transfer students who are requesting accommodations are encouraged to connect with Accessibility Resources as early as possible after confirming enrollment into Colorado College, preferably by June 30 for disability-related housing accommodations and July 15 for other accommodations. Winter Start students should connect with Accessibility Resources by November 1. Please keep in mind that these are suggested dates—not deadlines—and you can submit your request for accommodations and services at any time.

After submitting the Request for Accommodations form, make sure to reach out to schedule a meeting with our office. We look forward to meeting with you!

Report an issue - Last updated: 03/06/2025

Location & Hours

Accessibility Resources
Armstrong Hall, Room 219

Office Hours
8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Monday - Friday

Mailing Address
Accessibility Resources
819 N. Tejon St
Colorado Springs, CO 80903